40th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE-40)
17 Mar 2025 - 21 Mar 2025

Opening times
40th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment - Convened biennially since 1962, the Symposium is a global summit for world-renowned experts to share crucial, emerging knowledge in earth observation and remote sensing in pursuit of protecting the planet and its people from harm.
ISRSE-40 will run alongside the inaugural Farnborough International Space Show, an event which will pioneer the commercial space age.
As we navigate the critical challenges of the 21st century, ISRSE-40 will focus on how Earth observations (EO) can drive sustainable development and resilience across multiple sectors.
Titled ‘Synergy in Sight: Harnessing Earth Observation for Sustainable Development’, the conference will explore the synergies between emerging technologies, interdisciplinary collaboration, and global partnerships to foster a deeper understanding of Earth-system dynamics and their applications.