Local Residents Information

Traffic - Farnborough International Airshow 2024: 15 July - 26 July 2024

View the full FIA 2024 FAQs here

Will I be able to access my work/home during the Airshow?

Yes, access to all roads will be possible throughout the event, however, you may have to follow sign-posted diversions. Please see the relevant information below regarding impacted roads, and the timings applicable, there are also maps showing the diversions in the local area.

What roads will be closed and at what times during the Airshow?

Monday 15th July – Friday 26th July

Trenchard Way and Queens Gate Road will be closed, as per the map below from 15th July – 26th July 2024.

Monday 15th July – Friday 26th July between midday and 5pm

The following roads will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians from Monday 15 July to Sunday 22 July between midday and 5pm:

  • A323 Fleet Road - from its junction with Norris Hill Road and its junction with Laffans Road
  • Aldershot Road - from its junction with A323 Fleet Road to the eastern boundary of The Foresters public house

A diversion route will direct traffic to use Bourley Road, please see Aldershot Road Diversion Plan below.

These roads are being closed is because of increased safety measures introduced by the Civil Aviation Authority following the Shoreham Airshow accident.

As a result of these measures, the Farnborough International Airshow organisers asked Hampshire County Council to close selected roads while the aerobatics displays are taking place. They also asked the Ministry of Defence to close a section of land to the southwest of the airfield.

Sunday 21st July to Friday 26 July

The following road closures will take place for the whole Airshow week:

  • Netley Street at its junction with the A325 Farnborough Road
  • Church Road West at its junction with the A325 Farnborough Rd
  • Queens Road at its junction with Peabody Road
  • Closeworth Road at its junction with Park Road
  • Lynchford Road at its junction with Park Road (north-bound only)
  • Cross Street, from Osbourne Road to A325 Footbridge. This closure will be staffed during the daytime and will allow access to residents. As such please display the supplied FIA 2024 vehicle label in the windscreen of your vehicle. We have allocated two vehicle labels per household, and these can be swapped between vehicles.

Monday 22nd July to Friday 26th July, 7am to 2pm

The following road closures will take place at the same time as the west-bound Lynchford Road one-way system from 22nd July to 26th July (between 7am and 2pm):

  • Netley Street at its junction with Winchester Street
  • Lynchford Road at its junctions with Old Lynchford Road (western end including new junctions)
  • Southampton Street at its junction with Old Lynchford Road
  • Osborne Road at its junction with Old Lynchford Road
  • Peabody Road at its junction with Lynchford Road

Where will one-way systems be in operation during the Airshow?

Park Road one-way system reversed 21st July to 26th July:

The current one-way system will be reversed and no access will be allowed into, or out of Queens road for the duration of FIA. Turning bans will be in place as per below.

Lynchford Road one-way system 22nd July to 26th July (6am - 2pm):

A one-way system will run along the A3011 Lynchford Road towards the airfield. Traffic heading away from the airshow will be diverted along Old Lynchford Road, Winchester Street, Netley Street, Alexandra Road, Reading Road and Park Road. We expect that the diversion will be removed by midday daily. However, this will depend on the amount of traffic entering the show.

During the diversion, eastbound traffic will be diverted along Alexandra Road, Reading Road and Park Road. time (please see North Camp Inbound Plan below). All diversions will be clearly signposted.

NOTE: To reduce noise for residents no traffic management equipment will be placed before the hours of 5:30am.

These roads will then revert to normal flow for the remainder of the day, except for Park Road.

Where will turns be banned during the Airshow?

Between 21st July and 26th July, you will not be allowed to make the following movements:

  • All right hand turns on the A325 Farnborough Road between its junction with Boundary Road and its junction with Lynchford Road (Queens Roundabout)
  • Right hand turns from Salesian View, South Street, and Whites Road onto Park Road
  • Left hand turns from Falkland Court and Lynchford Road onto Park Road

From 7am until 2pm between 21st July and 26th July, you will not be allowed to make the following movements:

  • Right hand turn from Alexandra Road into Netley Street
  • Right hand turn from Netley Street into Alexandra Road
  • Right hand turn from Alexandra Road into Queens Road
  • Right hand turn from Queens Road into Alexandra Road

From 6am until 7pm between 21st July and 26th July, you will not be allowed to make the following movements:

  • Right hand turn from Government House Road into Queens Gate Road will only be permitted for FIA shuttle busses.

All other traffic will be directed down Government House Road to turn around at the roundabout indicated on the map below, before heading back up Government House Road. The left-hand lane will be dedicated for Queensgate Development and Gate D access only. As such please display the supplied FIA 2024 vehicle label in the windscreen of your vehicle. We have allocated two vehicle labels per household, and these can be swapped between vehicles.

If you’re booking a taxi or have any planned deliveries during this period, please advise them of the measures that have been put in place. They will be able to access your home if they can provide delivery details.

Will residential parking be affected during the Airshow?

Residents parking will remain unchanged for FIA 2024. For the past two shows we in conjunction with both Hampshire County Council and Rushmoor Borough Council operated a residents parking permit scheme in some North Camp Roads. This had a mixed reaction from the local community, with this in mind and taking in account there is no longer the public weekend which generated a significant change in parking demand on the local roads it has been agreed that this won’t be implemented for this show.

There will still be Residents Parking Only signage at the entrance to roads in North Camp on the western side of Alexandra Road, and Hampshire County Councils enforcement team will be available in their normal way and where possible support residents on occasions when obstruction of driveways may occur.

We will monitor parking in the area throughout show week and record feedback from residents, road users and Hampshire County Councils enforcement team to review for future shows.

Will we still be able to access North Camp shops?

Yes, the local diversions still allow for access to the shops which will be open as normal.

Will the public bus service still be running?

Yes, the normal service will be provided by the operator, however there may be some minor delays during peak period.

What if I have a funeral, moving house etc. during the show?

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any concerns around your plans during this time and we will do your best to advise you based on your address and planned traffic arrangements at this time.

Traffic Plans

We have a number of documents available for Local Residents to review, as well as an explanation of the key road closures and changes made to local traffic routes below:

We have a number of documents available for Local Residents to review, as well as an explanation of the key road closures and changes made to local traffic routes below:

The FIA2024 Traffic Management Plan is a comprehensive document that is produced in consultation with our appointed traffic specialist and reviewed by both Hampshire Police and Hampshire Country Council.

If you would like to have a copy of this document, you can request this from [email protected].